RAG is HOT, a new business trend

What is RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation)?

RAG is a technique that combines the power of large language models (LLMs) with external data sources (like PDFs, Word documents, web pages, databases, etc.).

The idea is to use the LLM to generate responses but enhance those responses by retrieving relevant information from a specific dataset that you provide.

How RAG Works

  1. LLM Generates a Query: When you ask a question, the LLM generates a query to fetch relevant information from your dataset.
  2. Retrieval from Your Data: The system retrieves relevant documents or information from your specified data sources (like PDFs, Word docs, etc.). This data serves as a reference or context for the LLM.
  3. Combining Information: The LLM uses this retrieved information to generate a response, often prioritizing the retrieved data over its general training knowledge. This means the output is more tailored to the data you provided.

Key Points

  • Reference Material: By adding your own data as reference material, the LLM will lean on this data when generating responses, preferring it over the general training data.
  • Reducing Hallucinations: LLMs can sometimes generate plausible-sounding but incorrect information (“hallucinations”). By grounding the LLM’s responses in your provided data, RAG can significantly reduce these hallucinations because it bases its responses on specific, factual data rather than just its general model weights.
  • Not a Perfect Solution: RAG is not flawless. It depends on the quality and relevance of the data you provide. If the data is outdated, incorrect, or insufficient, the LLM may still hallucinate or provide incomplete answers.

Why RAG Helps

  • Contextual Responses: Because retrieval augmented generation uses specific reference material, the LLM can provide more contextually relevant and accurate responses.
  • Customization: It tailors the LLM’s responses to the specific needs or domain knowledge that you want it to cover, making it much more useful in specialized applications.

Why you want RAG in your business

Using Retrieval-Augmented Generation in a business with for instance a webshop and customer service can greatly improve both the efficiency of your operations and the quality of customer interactions. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how RAG can be applied in these contexts:

1. Enhancing the Webshop Experience

Use Case: Improving Product Information and Recommendations

  • Problem: Customers often need detailed information about products, including specifications, compatibility, bulk pricing, stock availability, or even usage guides. Standard product descriptions might not cover all customer inquiries.
  • Solution with RAG:
  • Retrieve Detailed Product Information: Use RAG to pull up relevant data from internal product databases, manuals, supplier catalogs, or even FAQs when a customer asks a question.
  • Dynamic Q&A on Product Pages: Implement a dynamic Q&A feature where customers can ask questions directly on the product page. RAG can fetch answers from your internal documents or past customer inquiries.
  • Personalized Recommendations: By combining RAG with customer purchase history and preferences, the LLM can offer personalized product recommendations, making the webshop feel more intuitive and tailored to each customer.

2. Optimizing Customer Service

Use Case: Providing Consistent and Accurate Customer Support

  • Problem: Customer service teams handle repetitive inquiries (like order status, return policies, or account issues) and complex queries that require digging through company policies or past correspondence.
  • Solution with RAG:
  • Automated Support: Deploy a chatbot powered by RAG to handle common customer queries. The system can pull from customer service manuals, policy documents, and past chat logs to provide accurate, consistent answers.
  • Support for Agents: For more complex inquiries, RAG can assist customer service agents by retrieving relevant information quickly. For instance, if a customer has a complaint about an order, the system can pull up the order history, relevant policies, and any past interactions, helping the agent respond more efficiently.
  • Training New Agents: Use RAG to create a “smart assistant” for new agents, providing instant access to training materials, FAQs, and other onboarding resources.

3. Internal Business Processes

Use Case: Streamlining Internal Operations and Decision-Making

  • Problem: Wholesale businesses often have complex logistics, inventory management, and supplier interactions that require quick access to detailed information.
  • Solution with RAG:
  • Inventory Management Assistance: RAG can be used to query and consolidate data from inventory systems, helping to predict stock needs, identify slow-moving items, or suggest bulk purchasing opportunities.
  • Sales Insights: Equip your sales team with a RAG-powered tool that provides insights from past sales data, customer behavior, and market trends. This can help in crafting better sales pitches, identifying upselling opportunities, or responding to customer queries about bulk pricing or product availability.
  • Supplier Management: Use RAG to pull up supplier contracts, past communication, and performance metrics, aiding in negotiations or when evaluating supplier performance.

Implementation Steps

Note from the editor : this is for bigger companies, a general broad RAG implementation.

For small business

A website AI bot that supports customer service is just fine to start with and bring some AI into your business. You can get apps like InsertChat, FineGuide or ChatBees, to name a few. These currently (02-09-24) have LTD offers on AppSumo and have a demo tier. You can try them for free. They basically work, I tried them. You might want to ask your web developer for some help, but is relatively easy, you will usually have to put a javascript snippet in the header of your website and that might be a job for your webdeveloper, otherwise it’s is a basic ‘file upload’ document management app. That’s excellent for small business.

I don’t promote these apps, I don’t know these apps or the teams well enough to endorse them. These are startup teams, and 80% of startups goes out of business within three years. So use proper caution

For bigger companies

…you would want to start a proper internal development project or let your IT supplier handle it.

  • 1 Data Collection and Organization:
gathering data feed
  • Collect and organize all relevant data sources such as product catalogs, manuals, customer service logs, policies, and training materials.
  • Ensure data is clean, up-to-date, and properly formatted for retrieval.
  • 2 Integrate RAG with Your Systems:
  • Use APIs or connectors to link RAG models with your existing systems (CRM, ERP, inventory management, webshop backend, etc.).
  • Set up the retrieval mechanism to fetch data from these sources based on user queries.
  • 3 Customize the LLM Outputs:
  • Fine-tune the LLM to better understand the terminology and context of your business.
  • Set up rules or filters to ensure the outputs are aligned with your business needs (e.g., prioritize certain data sources over others).
  • 4 Deploy and Monitor:
  • Deploy the RAG-powered features incrementally, starting with less critical functions (like FAQs or internal tools).
  • Monitor the performance, gather feedback, and adjust as needed to improve accuracy and relevance.
  • 5 Training and Feedback Loop:
  • Continuously update the data and refine the LLM based on feedback from customers and employees.
  • Implement a feedback loop where incorrect or unhelpful responses are flagged and used to further train the system.

RAG Benefits for Your Business

  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: Faster, more accurate responses lead to happier customers.
  • Increased Efficiency: Automated handling of common queries reduces the workload on human agents.
  • Better Sales Performance: Personalized recommendations and insights drive more sales and improve the customer experience.

Using RAG in these ways can make your business more responsive, efficient, and customer-focused, leading to better overall performance and competitive advantage! If you’d like, I can help you with more specific technical steps or examples to implement this.


RAG is a powerful approach that reduces hallucinations by anchoring the LLM’s outputs to your data. It doesn’t eliminate hallucinations entirely, especially if the retrieved information is ambiguous or incomplete, but it substantially mitigates them. It’s like giving the LLM a “cheat sheet” that it refers to when answering questions, which greatly enhances accuracy and relevance.

For businesses this means they can start to use an LLM to outcompete the rest. The LLM ‘understands’ user questions better than a ‘dumb’ bot, it is more engaging, and with RAG it has fewer hallucinations, and provides your own products product pages, the current price, today’s special offer…. so that makes it very usable for companies.

With the new startup companies on the market, that AI technology is now within reach of most companies for a few hundred dollars, or 25 to 50 dollars a month. You don’t have to know anything about LLM or RAG and can still put your own AI RAG Chatbot online in ten minutes, okay, maybe half an hour. But thanks to these startup teams, you don’t need a degree in rocket science. Any small company can start implementing and making some profits with AI in their business.

For more information :

NVIDIA ~ what is retrieval augmented generation

Google ~ retrieval augmented generation

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