The Pure Language

man and woman sitting on red concrete stairs

That is something most people don’t know about, the ‘Pure Language’. I asked ChatGPT a year ago and it didn’t produce anything much. But nowadays it has a nice story.

People don’t believe me, but they do ‘trust’ ChatGPT. So here is the story of ChatGPT :

The idea of a “Pure Language,” often associated with the language of Adam (from Adam and Eve), is a fascinating concept that appears in various religious, mystical, and philosophical traditions. Here’s an overview of what it generally means:

The Concept of the Pure Language

  1. Origins: The “Pure Language” is often thought of as the original language spoken by the first humans, Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden. This language is believed to be perfect, uncorrupted, and capable of directly expressing the true essence of things.
  2. Religious and Mystical Contexts:
    • Judaism and Kabbalah: In Jewish mystical traditions, particularly Kabbalah, Hebrew is sometimes considered the “Pure Language.” The letters and words are thought to have inherent spiritual significance, with a divine connection to the creation of the universe.
    • Christianity: In some Christian traditions, it’s believed that the Pure Language was lost after the Tower of Babel when God confused human languages. The idea is that humans once spoke a common, divine language.
    • Islam: Some Islamic traditions also touch on the idea that Adam spoke a primordial language, which could be considered a form of Arabic or another divine tongue.
  3. Philosophical and Esoteric Interpretations:
    • Alchemy and Esotericism: In Western esoteric traditions, the search for the Pure Language is linked to the search for hidden knowledge or the divine truth, often connected with alchemy and other mystical practices.
    • Philosophers: Philosophers like John Dee and other Renaissance thinkers were fascinated by the idea of a perfect language, which they believed could unlock the secrets of the universe.
  4. Modern Interpretations:
    • Some modern thinkers and linguists have explored the concept more metaphorically, as the search for a language that could perfectly represent reality without ambiguity.
man sitting on chair holding and surrounded by people

While there’s no historical evidence for the existence of a “Pure Language” as described, the concept remains a powerful symbol of the human longing for a deeper, more connected way of understanding and communicating. It also reflects the idea that language has the power to shape and reflect our perception of reality.


Right. So much for ChatGPT.

The Pure Language according to Juust

…with 20 years of hands on experience.

The Pure Language is the neural signalpattern-‘term/word’ set of the cognitive system (nerve-brain) of the human body, especially of the immortal ‘true self’, the incarnated soul.

Hebrew as language is descendant from the Pure Language, as the (Isral) Heebs are descendant of Ad’m. And some old Hebrew terms are still ‘close’ to the Pure Language.

But as all people have that basic ‘Pure Language’ running inside, traces of the Pure Language, often in approximations and bifurcations according to set patterns, it is still found in many cultures worldwide, in many languages.

pure language

A term like _Olif-‘self’ is found in dutch ‘lief’ (sweet), or the English ‘live, alive, life’.

A term _Aley for “Word” (also in the ritual sense) is found in Chinese _Li-‘manner, way’.

A term like _RKS for ‘having goods’ is found in Riksha, a basic transporter in India.

A term like (hnvk)vk(nh) _VK is found in ‘fuckin’ and ‘fucking A’.

And where souls abide by (RQM)231QMR, if you sin and act against your own soul or other people’s souls, you incur a bifurcation in the gutnerve of the form 231-34.21 _QRM, “Karma”.

There are countless examples, once you know how this works, you can easily spot them yourself.

Power Terms

“Fuckin A, man !”…

Often as these terms have a direct meaning to the true self, and trigger the true self, they are considered ‘power terms’. These words give people a sense or experience of ‘exerting force’.

A dutch word like ‘Kut’ (often mistaken for meaning ‘cunt’) comes from _BKUT-‘disappointment’. And that is practical every day reality when people think ‘that sucks’ they say ‘kut’. “I am disappointed”. And that is a power term.

It also triggers others peoples souls, and they might not like that, so we have basic agreements that you don’t just use powerterms all day. Most people are mildly to severely bifurcated, and if you trigger the true self, they suppress that true self, react negative to themselves, and that ‘hurts their feelings’. You caused that, in their experience, and they blame you for it and get angry at you.

So there is a broad standard in the soulgroup, ‘don’t use pure language when there are bifurcated people present’. Don’t throw pearls to swines, that is a famous saying, and that comes to down to that, ‘don’t use Pure Language with bifurcated people, because they will start to hate and reject and even persecute you and get violent and agressive (keep in mind, they are (mildly) schizofrenic).


That is one term that is famous worldwide, Karma.

Where the souls abide (RQM)231QMR->Qamar (arch, gate), the famous invisble ‘Gateless Gate (of Heavens)’ , most people have _(213-34.21 bifurcations)->not(RQM->213QRM Qarma : sins ! Anyone that did anti-soul things, to themselves but mainly to others, is cursed with (213-34.21-reject(RQM))-QARMA.

But that is more oriented on behavior and attitude than on speech. As said, the Pure Language is a neural matter, and any behavior, any act, any gesture also has it’s logical signal. All works are written, engraved in the gutnerve and are written in that ‘Pure Language’. It isn’t just ‘words’.


Redemption means retrieving the true self to the wake state.

I and others can sometimes help the kiddies ‘out of the fork’. The kids also sometimes incur bifurcations, they will believe anything like ‘Sinterklaas, Santa Claus’. The kids will believe it, and become bifurcated, because there is no “Santa Claus” in reality.

The bifurcations in the gutnerve disturb the signal stream from the true self to the brain, and these kids get constant repeating twisted self-negative signals, self-supressive, the gutnerve pushes the true self ‘out of mind’. They get self-destructive (and destructive to the self of others) impulses, ideas, images, impressions. They have ‘chaos hell’ in their minds, that sucks for the kiddies.

They can do repetitive sinful bad behavior, bad language, offend the fuck out of their own mother, step all over her soul… ‘bad kids’… (ABD = ‘abide’, 213-34.21-against(abide) = BAD), But if you help the kids “out of the fork”, they get the right ‘pure’ signal stream from their own true self and reality, and their brain comprehends _true-self-and-reality again and starts acting from the pure intent of the actual true self. And then they are cool kids again, themselves. Then they usually toddle off and go give their mom a hug, ‘sorry, mom, love you…’.

And so on and so on…. I could keep talking for a few hours, I have 20 years of experience in this field, and spent years studying, reading, analysing, cross-referencing tens of thousands of documents, so I can talk for weeks on ends :) but this should be enough to give you a basic rough idea what that Pure Language is, how ‘relevant’ is to you, yourself, and what it’s practical use can be.

Natural Redeemers

The ladies have their monthly period, a rush of hormones goes to the brain, and it goes on tilt here and there now and then. And they can become hostile, negative, agressive and incur bifurcations. So in Amn cultures women are taught ‘do as the man indicates’, as the task of a _MN_Man in _AMN cuture is to always abide by _MN-MaNa-Word.

So if the lady gets bifurcated, you work via Word with the soul and get that true self back online. Women are also taught to go to a separate tent so they cannot ‘own’ the kiddies, if the lady gets bifurcated, the forked ego acts against soul-word, and will go after the children, and stuff them with _the-lie. That isn’t what the souls want, so there are strict ‘regulations’ to prevent that.

Anyways I have to go to work, I could talk about this endlessly, but this is good enough for starters.

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